I bought the Triumph Herald Coupé. A model I never had. It is a very perfect model ! I am grateful to CMC for those beautiful re-issues!
As a boy of 13, a bought my first Corgi in 1960, a red Aston Martin DB4.
In fact, I was a Dinky fan. But then I began to buy different Corgi models.
Now, I am looking forward for a re-issue of the 1959 Chevrolet Impala saloon, to add to my Dinky and Corgi collection.
Go for it CMC !
A fantastic model as it should be as it's identical to its red counterpart in everyday except of course the colour.
It's harkins back to the quality that one came to expect from Corgi and is indeed replicated by the CMC.
The model is a beaut.
It is awesome that the CMC have given us the opportunity to own the model in both colours. Remember when we had to choose between one or the other version of a Corgi Model because of limitations of pocket money or only getting one item for a birthday or Christmas present.
Thank you again CMC
This is a fine detail model and very true to the 60s original, which I once had but sold! I would highly recommend this model to any die cast collector.